MGMT 180 – Entrepreneurial Technology and Science Commercialization
Winter, MGMT 180, Section 3: Profs. Wilson & Osborne, Thursdays, 1:00 PM – 3:50 PM
This four unit course serves as an introduction to the transformation of new knowledge and inventions into viable commercial products and services, with particular attention to the technology transfer process at major research universities like UCLA. Initial emphasis is on the assessment and protection of intellectual property (IP) and the early evaluation of technologies to determine the potential for commercialization.
MGMT 180 – Entrepreneurship and Venture Initiation
Winter, MGMT 180, Section 1: Prof. Wilson, Tuesdays, 1:00 PM – 3:50 PM
This four unit course serves as a rigorous introduction to entrepreneurship and venture initiation from the perspective of the entrepreneur. It is intended to be a self-contained course that introduces the concepts of idea generation, market analysis, fundraising, legal corporate structures, and basic financial accounting for entrepreneurial endeavors. This course is strongly recommended as a prerequisite for all other entrepreneurial courses and will be limited to 40 students per section.
MGMT 180 – Business Plan Development
Winter, MGMT 180, Section 4: Prof. Funk, Mondays, 1:00 PM – 3:50 PM
This four unit course teaches the fundamentals of developing an effective business plan in presentation and written form. Emphasis will be on the principles of designing and articulating plans for sales, marketing, product or service, operations, financials, management, and staffing functions of a new start-up business.
For more information: Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Courses